Make Disclosing Easier.
The Convey® platform enables consistent processes and captures more complete disclosures.
Supporting the Scientific Community
More users 170,000+ disclosers
More disclosures 295,000+ disclosures and counting
More efficiency 1 in 4 users are repeat disclosers
Saving time Up to 40% less time spent disclosing by repeat disclosers
Expanding access 47 subscribers including the New England Journal of Medicine
Increasing data Since 2018, the number of relationship disclosures has increased by 35%

Streamline your disclosure collection process
The Convey system can be tailored to your organization’s disclosure collection requirements. The system’s intuitive user interface enables an efficient, straightforward disclosing process.

Benefits for Organizations
Focus on making critical conflict of interest decisions and hand over tedious disclosure collections tasks to the Convey platform.

Benefits for Disclosers
Save time and effort by putting your disclosure information in a single, editable repository.
"We encourage all involved in medical care, research or education to adopt Convey as a requirement of employment for their staff members and contributors."
- Jeffrey M. Drazen, MD, NEJM Group editor in the New York Times